The Pretty One (2014)

An edgy indie drama, hoping to be a coming-of-age romcom and ever-so-slightly missing the mark.

Regan Humphrey

After the death of Audrey (Zoe Kazan), her twin sister Laurel (also Zoe Kazan) is mistaken for her. Laurel’s accidental impersonation turns intentional, when she realizes what her fiends and family thought of her. While living Audrey’s life helps her stave off grief, it is also a painful and necessary reminder of who Laurel really is—someone who sorely needs to come clean to her family, and to Basel (Jake Johnson), the boy next door she’s begun to fall for.


Soundtrack: 20%
Story: 100%
Writing: 60%
Diversity: 5%
Daring: 80%
Racism: ABSENT – 0%
Gender Bias: PRESENT – 5%
Homophobia: ABSENT – 0%

Zoe Kazan always brings a distinct, emotional punch to her films, familiar and fresh at the same time. Jake Johnson, though of no consequence to New Girl fans, forever comes across as different shades of Nick Miller. (This iteration is a particularly well-dressed, non-commitment-shy Nick.)

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